Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Go to fullsize image Steve Johnson wrote how the internet has made our culture smarter and more engaged in popular culture. Johnson lists four things: Interactivity, Information, Learning, and Social Connection. The one that I found to be very interesting and important would be that of interactivity. There are pros and cons thus being the pros: the internet makes one "lean in" and being involved activley in anything your engaging in on the internet, the cons: sensitive information floats around on the internet and ANYONE has access to it also the internet keeps people from being involved in other things. For instance facebook is very interactive with all the games and the activities you can do however very sensitive information is sometimes shared and missinterpreted, however at the same time it keeps people activley involved thus being good for the interactivity but yet still holding some cons to its aspect. Using the internet with good intent but with much caution is the way to engage interactivley.

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1 comment:

  1. Sensitive information really wouldn't be an issue of interactivity.
