Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reality TvvvVVV??? Jersey WhatttT??!!

How does reality television affect our culture's understanding of what behaviors are appropriate in our society? Include some disucssion about how this relates to our understanding of youth. 
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    Reality Television......... why exactly are we as Americans so attracted to it???? Do you watch  any reality t.v. shows? Jersey Shore, The real World, Teen Mom, Lost, or even Extreme Home Makeover? People are finding themselves attracted to these shows because they can relate and picture themselves in that life style. Reality shows have a sense of repetition and that is what people also find attractive about these shows they like the fact that it goes on and on and its different every episode but with the consistency of behaviors. For our society it depicts how your everyday people ( Typically  the younger generations) are acting in public. For instance in Jersey shore and The Real World the cast are constantly acting inappropriate and just plain out of line! A group of young people living together, engaging in several sexual activities, fighting, emotions flaring, getting shitty wasted time and time again night after night falling all over the streets its all to real and when people watch this sadly they can relate to the lives of these characters and they seem to forget that its truly not appropriate and they fall into the thought of "oh its normal no big deal". However in reality its not ok. Children find these people to be cultural role models merely because of their status as famous. When young children see this behavior on t.v they don't see the repercussions and they don't know how it is actually not ok for society to act this way. When we look at these people we see a distraught group of youth and its not sending a good message about the young people of our culture they are the building blocks for the young culture and its not appropriate for society!

teen pregnancy


  1. I would have to agree with you when you say we are completely drawn to these reality shows especially the rea l world and jersey shore, im not going to lie I watch these shows a since of entertainment not to look up to them as rol models although I do sometimes find myself bringing out my inner Snooki and letting out a "mehhhhhhh!" every now and then.

  2. Thats funny true true........ purely entertainment and Not role models!

  3. The behaviors you list all seem to be physically very dangerous. I don't really care very much about how the Jersey Shore folks act, since that's what they're getting paid for, but I would hate for others to put themselves into physical danger or make themselves ill out of some misplaced belief that such behavior is no big deal.
